All posts by ariaesmeralda

My History with Disordered Eating & Moving Forward

Disordered eating. Notice I haven’t used ‘anorexia’ due to feeling that A) I haven’t been diagnosed officially and B) I don’t believe I FULLY fit into the criteria.

So this is going to be an incredibly difficult post to write and will take a lot out of me. Breathe. Go forward.

Disordered eating is something I have been struggling with for about two-three years, and only now do I feel myself escaping from its clutches. Now it also goes without saying, that this post could be triggering for those who have suffered/are currently suffering from any kind of eating disorder/body dysmorphia/negative self-esteem/negative body image.

Taking a Health Nose-Dive After University

As I spoke about in one of my previous posts My Mental Health Story, I suffered from a mental breakdown whilst at university. It was a very difficult time in my life, suicide, unfortunately, was considered more than once over the course of that year and I coped with my mentality tornado by drinking quite excessively and eating quite a poor (VERY poor, actually) diet. Now I know that eating awfully and drinking lots can be viewed sometimes as the ‘typical student experience’, but looking back, I am very aware that my actions were not ‘typical’.

I am thankful – INCREDIBLY thankful – for the friends that stood by me during these times and sad to have fallen off the edge of the earth in regards to communication since then. I feel so lucky to have reconnected with a certain friend in particular who has recently given me the honour of being one of my bridesmaids. She knows who she is, and I love you.

Straight out from university
Weight = 10.5 stone

Because of my vices during university and my declining mental health, my self-esteem and overall image of myself took quite a big hit. I was viewing myself as much larger than I was. I think I was about 10.5 stone, which isn’t big by any means, but my brain seemed to twist the presentation of myself in mirrors and windows into something I was incredibly unhappy with.

The Dreaded Calorie Counting Apps

After leaving university and returning from travelling, I downloaded a certain prominent calorie tracking app (I won’t name it but I’m sure if you google ‘calorie counting apps’ it will be one of the first to appear). Now I know that lots of people are aware of this app and some of the detrimental effects it has had on users’ health and wellbeing. I would just like to stress that I did not have any awareness regarding this or the experience of others and so I merely saw it as a means to an end and that by using it, I would lose the weight I wanted.

Christmas 2017: obsessive, worried and mentally calculating

This app became the dominant frenemy in my life – EVERY SINGLE item of food had to be weighed and calculated. Every gram of popcorn, every ounce of cereal, and even EVERY TINY TIC-TAC. I even measured my drinks intake – now I’m not talking alcohol (something I cut out significantly), but milk, fruit juice, squash, etc.

My disordered eating was prominent at family dinners where I used to weigh out vegetables and potatoes before putting them on my plate. Everything I ate had to fit into my ‘diet’ and the number of calories I was ‘allowed’ that day. Even typing the word ‘allowed’ angers me so much because I used to use it all the time to describe my food. Why the hell was I kowtowing to this pocket robot?

A typical woman should be on 1,800-2,000 calories a day to maintain her weight, and about 1,600-1,800 to steadily lose weight without any adverse effects. However, using this app, I was on between 800-1,200 a day, which is absolutely ridiculous when I look back on it. Not only was my calorific intake completely insufficient even for losing weight, but I also coupled my diet or lack-of with frequent trips to the gym.

Health vs Obsession

After joining the gym, I began blurring the lines between health and obsession. I would often spend up to three hours a day at the gym after work, attempting to ‘work off’ everything I had eaten that day. I would spend the majority of my time on the treadmill or the rowing machine and always got a little thrill when I could see the ‘calories burned’ increase digit-by-digit.

I would often follow up my intense cardio with a little bit of weight lifting and then would do laps of the pool for another hour. Again, this fitness ‘regime’ might not seem too much of a big deal to some, but that coupled with my 800-1,200 daily calorific intake made me feel weak and lightheaded. But I didn’t care. As long as the number dropped each time I stepped onto the scales, I wanted to keep going.

Christmas 2018, at my lowest weight
Weight: 7.9 stone

As my weight dropped, I was getting comments saying how thin I looked and I relished in it. I was buying new clothes left and right and even went down half a shoe size (trust me I don’t know how! I was a five and now I’m a four-and-a-half). I went down from weighing 10.5 stone at the beginning of my ‘diet’ down to 9 stone and then down to just under 8 stone at my lowest.

Realising I Had a Problem

In October 2018, after spending a whole week eating nothing but a portion of Weetabix each day to ‘make room’ for my dinners out with family and friends for my birthday, I finally hit rock bottom. I remember having a panic attack over being presented with a meal that I hadn’t ‘planned’ for. I was crying, I was shaking, I was sweating and I felt that I couldn’t breathe. I had considered making myself throw up to be rid of the anxiety over what I just ate. Then, after a Christmas spent worrying about our meals together as a family and mentally keeping a tally and calculating each Malteaser, I was done.

A birthday week spent working out the calories I was allowed before each meal

I said I was done, but my mind was still controlling and obsessive, and it took a lot of family and friends to help me realise my self-destructive patterns. Over the time, I had learned how to hide a lot of my negative habits in regard to my disordered eating from family and friends, and I would become incredibly defensive if they were pointed out to me. I would often respond with ‘you don’t understand’ or ‘it will only be for this time’. I feel that creating my calculated little world allowed me to feel more in control with myself and my life, after feeling so lost and out-of-control whilst at university and the years leading up to it.

Christmas 2019: feeling healthier and happier
Weight: 8.5 stone

My Current Situation

It didn’t happen overnight. It has been long and is still continuing to be an ever-looming presence in my life. Just when I think I’m through it all, something happens, I slip up and weigh out an item of food. I’m weighing much less, worrying much less and enjoying more unexpected meals out with my friends and family. I have also been allowing myself to drink a little alcoholic drink at a time. My drink of choice whilst at university was whiskey and LOTS of it. Five years later, I have only just started to have a single with ice every so often, and that is enough for me. I don’t rely on it anymore to take me out of my mentality.

Starting to change my way of thinking in New York

Going travelling with Ben really helped with my obsessive calculating around disordered eating as I wasn’t able to weigh my foods nor was I able to default to the ‘safe foods’ I relied on (the foods where I immediately knew the calorie content) to help fuel my bad habits. Instead, I was dropped in the deep end and had to listen more to my instincts and what my body was telling me I needed to help me thrive.

Making an effort to fully enjoy my birthday 2019

There have been a few little breakdowns and tears when I became too consumed in the foods I was eating without knowing their content or ‘safety’ – I remember crying in Lisbon due to eating a pizza or panicking in Austria over splitting a Baumstriezel with Ben at the Vienna Christmas market. Since then, I have had about ten more Baumstriezel-y occasions and thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them.

I think the turning point for me was imagining myself looking back on my life in old age and worrying that all I would be able to do was remember the calorie counting, evenings spent on the treadmill, and panic attacks in an exciting new country due to eating a churro or pizza. I choose to embrace the food available in my life knowing that there are those less fortunate who don’t even know when their next meal is coming.

Baumstriezels in Vienna

I have developed an absolute adoration for cooking and learning new world recipes over the past year and I truly think that this has also helped me in my recovery from disordered eating.

I’m not out of the woods yet and still have my moments, but I know that I keep improving my relationship with myself, my body, and my relationship with food. Its a long road but I am actually feeling more like myself than ever.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and history with disordered eating. I have included some helpful links below incase you can relate to anything in this post and would like to get some help.


Helpful Links:

An Introduction to Doshas and How to Discover Your Own

Learning about doshas and your unique dosha composition can help you to make the most out of your Ayurvedic practise. Everybody is unique, so therefore shouldn’t your treatment be too? 

Learning more about our doshas can encourage us to learn more about ourselves as individuals and discover in what circumstances internal issues are created and in what circumstances our healthy and vitality thrive. 

Your lovely author is Vata dominant and Kapha secondary in Body, and Vata dominant and Pitta secondary in Mind. 

But what does this mean? What is your unique dosha? 

Doshas introduction header image

First – What On Earth Are Doshas Anyway?

Doshas are three biological energies that govern and control our physical and mental processes. Similar to the world, the five energies of fire, earth, water, air and ether are found in all living beings and are considered building blocks for life.

However, they can manifest themselves in differing quantities and strengths which in turn provides us with our unique qualities to give us our unique blueprint. Just like a snowflake, no human being is alike. Sometimes the treatments that suit one person might make the issues worse in another. Ayurveda teaches us that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and treatments, and this is where doshas come in!

The Three Different Doshas

There are three different doshas that present themselves and they can all exist in the body. However, one is more prevalent within ourselves than the others and this leads to it having more influence over our mind-body make up. You will have one dominant dosha, one secondary dosha and one least-dominant dosha. The three doshas are ‘Vata’, ‘Kapha’ and ‘Pitta’. Find out more about them below!

VATA: Air & Space


  • The Vata dosha possesses qualities that reflect air and space and translates to ‘wind’ or ‘that which moves things’.
  • When the wind is in balance, it provides the natural world and earth with movement and expression. Similarly, when Vatas are in balance, they are creative, active and have an innate ability to communicate with others and express themselves. 
  • When the wind is unbalanced, it can become a tornado. Similarly, if a Vata is unbalanced, they become anxious and manifest bodily disorders that relate to ‘dryness’, including constipation and dry skin. 
  • Vata qualities include cold, light, mobile, active and dry and will demonstrate physical and mental characteristics that possess such qualities. 
  • The locations of Vata in our bodies include our bones, joints, brain, skin, ears and colon. 
  • Physiologically, Vata has influence over any ‘movement’ functions, for example, breathing, muscle movement, eating, blood circulation and talking. 
  • Psychologically, Vata influences creativity, communication and flexibility. 

Causes of Vata Imbalances

  • Eating whilst moving
  • Eating whilst anxious
  • Eating foods known to aggravate Vata
  • Smoking 
  • Drinking alcohol 
  • Drinking coffee or black tea
  • Going to bed late nightly
  • Not having a regular routine

How to Balance Vata

  • Eat in peace
  • Eat a Vata-balanced diet
  • Spend time in nature
  • Meditate daily
  • Partake in gentle physical exercise, including yoga, walking or swimming
  • Go to bed early
  • Follow a consistent daily routine

KAPHA: Earth & Water


  • The Kapha dosha possesses qualities that reflect earth and water, and translates to ‘that which sticks’.
  • Kapha is the building energy, which gives the body its structure, form and  ease of movement. 
  • Similar to how rainstorms can turn to tropical storms and floods, if a Kapha is unbalanced, their bodily tissues can become saturated with fluids and this heaviness can take its toll on the mind as well as the body. As a result, this dense environment can breed a variety of issues and problems such as congestion, sinus issues and obesity.
  • Kapha qualities include soft, heavy, static, sticky and moist, and will demonstrate physical and mental characteristics that possess such qualities. 
  • The locations of Kapha in our bodies include our lungs, chest, throat, lungs, fatty tissue and ligaments. 
  • Physiologically, Kapha stores energy, gives definition to tissues and is associated with cool waters in the body including mucus and lymph. 
  • Psychologically, Kapha influences forgiveness, greed, love and patience. 

Causes of Kapha Imbalances

  • Overeating
  • Eating foods known to aggravate Kapha
  • Indulgent and emotional eating 
  • Spending too much time in climates that are cold and damp
  • Lack of exercise
  • Spending too much time inside 
  • Not challenging your brain enough

How to Balance Kapha

  • Eat in a calm and nurturing environment
  • Eat a Kapha-balanced diet
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle
  • Perform ’emotional housekeeping’ to help clear your mind
  • Perform calming activities such as meditation, art and writing.
  • Know when to stand up for yourself – don’t get taken advantage of
  • Avoid daytime napping. Go to sleep early and wake early 

PITTA: Fire & Water


  • The Pitta dosha possesses qualities that reflect fire and water, and translates to ‘that which cooks’.
  • Pitta is the energy of digestion and metabolism. 
  • Similar to how fires can get out of hand, if a Pitta is unbalanced, they become agitated, angry and bitter with an overwhelming ego. 
  • Pitta qualities include light, acidic, sharp, hot and oil, and will demonstrate physical and mental characteristics that possess such qualities. 
  • The locations of Pitta in our bodies include our liver, small intestine, blood, sweat and stomach. 
  • Physiologically, Pitta provides our bodies with energy and heat.
  • Psychologically, Pitta influences anger, jealousy, willpower, courage and joy.

Causes of Pitta Imbalances

  • Eating whilst angry
  • Eating foods known to aggravate Pitta
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Drinking coffee or black tea
  • Smoking 
  • Being overly competitive 
  • Working too much and burning yourself out

How to Balance Pitta

  • Eat in a calm and peaceful environment
  • Eat a Pitta-balanced diet
  • Spend more time in nature
  • Meditate daily
  • Perform calming exercise, for example, walking, yoga or swimming

Working With Your Dosha

Doshas are ever-changing in a world that doesn’t seem to stand still! They vary in response to the actions and thoughts we produce, stressful situations we find ourselves in, changes in the weather and seasons, and even change depending on the foods and drinks we consume! 

The positive and negative habits you create for yourself can either foster balance or create unhealthy patterns which in turn create physical and mental imbalances. Whatever negative habits you possess can alter your internal make-up, and could potentially lead to illness or disease later in life. 

Getting to know your doshas and getting to know yourself are one and the same. Such imbalances can be avoided with proper care and paying attention to your doshas in different circumstances. Understanding your own unique state will allow you to live a vibrant, healthy life. 

The Three Primary Doshic States:

    • Increased: A specific dosha is presenting itself in a greater-than-normal proportion. This is also known as the dosha being in an ‘aggravated’ or ‘excess’ state.
    • Decreased: A specific dosha is presenting itself in a lower-than-normal proportion. This is also known as the dosha being in a ‘reduced’ or ‘depleted’ state.
    • Balanced: All doshas are presenting themselves in their natural, equal  proportions. This is also known as the doshas being in ‘equilibrium’

Find out & learn what dosha combination you are with the lovely Sahara Rose Ketabi by clicking here!

There is so much to learn about these earthly energies and their unique role in your own lives and wellbeing. If you have enjoyed learning the basics about doshas, you might find it useful to do some further research into this aspect of Ayurveda and decide whether this holistic approach to health is the right one for you. 

If you have any questions – start a conversation! Have you used Ayurvedic practises before? What is your dosha? How has being more intune with your own unique make-up aided you to feel better within yourself? 

To understand how doshas can improve your Ayurvedic practise, read my Introduction to Ayurveda: The Basic Principles!

An Introduction to Ayurveda: The Basic Principles

Ayurveda has been one of the top practises I have involved myself in ever since my diagnosis of depression and anxiety 6 years ago. I had looked into a variety of way to help me deal with my mental health – some days were better than others! But no matter whether I was having a good day or a bad day, practising Ayurveda helped me to regain some of the sanity I felt I had lost during my worst times.

Introducing this healing practise into my life when I needed it most has allowed me to feel more grounded, more at peace with myself and the world and calmer with elements inside me.  

Reading into Ayurveda allowed me to connect to the rawness of our planet earth, and subsequently be able to address some issues of mine with holistic remedies. 

Now this isn’t to say that you will take to Ayurvedic practises in the same way. Of course, medications prescribed by practitioners help a great deal and taking them might make you feel more at ease.

I turned to Ayurveda after being placed on countless different medications and treatments, until I realised that perhaps the best person who knew what was best for me, was myself. 

Introduction to Ayurveda heading image

What is Ayurveda?

The word ‘Ayurveda’ translates to ‘Science of Life’ in Sanskrit and is one of the oldest healing sciences. Ayurvedic knowledge and practises date back over 5,000 years and originated in India. The practise is considered a way of life and is commonly known as the ‘Mother of All Healing’. 

Ayurveda covers a range of different lifestyle elements including health, diet, herbs and spices, oils, body types, massage and general body therapies. Today, many people around the world ares choosing to move from the invasive chemical treatments to a more harmonious, natural treatment for minor ailments and body issues. 

In the current societal and environmental climate, it is more vital than ever to take care of ourselves and to put our mental and physical wellbeing before anything else. Cue Ayurveda!

Ayurveda’s Holistic Approach to Health

Ayurveda focus on the prevention of disease. It encourage people to recognise and understand their own unique bodies, their weaknesses and tendencies towards certain illnesses and diseases. 

Modern medicine and treatments often address the illness or weakness in isolation, separate from the person as a whole. Ayurveda, on the other hand, differs in that it understands the isolated weakness but also recognises its potential transference to other weak areas. Through looking into peoples’ past personal and family health issues, lifestyle and diet, Ayurveda aims to improve both the isolated weakness in addition to setting up a plan for an improved overall lifestyle and future habits. 

Ayurveda is not a one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellbeing. The practise is complimentary to your individual needs and requirements to help you live your future life to the fullest. 

Finding Your Own Balance With Ayurveda

There is no denying it. Life is stressful and your sense of your ability to cope can easily fluctuate from day to day. Work, family, finances and personal struggles can all take their toll on your mental and physical wellbeing.

It is therefore important to establish and maintain a core balance, which is where the help of Ayurveda can help. 

The principle theory of Ayurveda is that all living and non-living things are composed of unique combinations of five elements: earth, fire, water, air and space.

These are the building blocks of life that unite all humans. These elements manifest themselves through ‘doshas’ or energies, and their ratios and proportions in each being is what make us totally unique. 

The Three Doshas

    • Vata: possesses qualities that Reflect the elements of space & air 
    • Kapha: possesses qualities that reflect the elements of earth & water
    • Pitta: Possesses qualities that reflect the elements of fire & water

To find out more about these elemental energies and to discover your own unique dosha click here.

The Takeaway

Ayurveda believes that true health is not defined by check ups and clinical tests, but is instead a continuous process that involves all elements of daily life including mental, physical, spiritual, social, behavioural…to name a few! 

To achieve a balance across all elements is to achieve true health. A one-size-fits-all treatment does not exist in the world of Ayurveda where each person is treated as uniquely as their own fingerprints. To be able to support and honour our true unique natures, the teachings of Ayurveda provide us with the knowledge and awareness we need. 

Have you tried Ayurveda? Let me know in the comments if you have found it helpful or not – remember, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to health!

As you learn to tap into your own complex and individual needs you will recognise the healing inner power you possess to help live your life to the fullest!


Last Hurrah to Beautiful Budapest Before Lockdown

When we were in Tirana, Ben and I were aware of the escalation of the coronavirus and knew that our next stop, Budapest, would probably be our last for a little while!

We had two weeks in Budapest, the same as our other cities, before returning to the UK before lockdown was imposed, and we DEFINITELY made the most out of Hungary’s beautiful city!

Despite a few attractions being closed, we managed to view many of the beautiful buildings of Budapest on our daily evening walks and time exploring during the weekends. Our apartment was in a perfect location: halfway between the main centre and the thermal baths. There were lots of amenities, shops, and restaurants nearby and our Airbnb host was incredibly accomodating! We would highly recommend our apartment if you stay in Budapest in the future!

On average, it took us about half an hour to walk down to the Danube from our apartment, and on the way down we would pass the stunning Vigadó Concert Hall, built-in 1859, as well as the Hungarian Parliament Building, the seat of the National Assembly of Hungary, and the towering St Stephen’s Basilica, named after the first King of Hungary who ruled from 1000 – 1038 A.D.

Vigadó Concert Hall
Hungarian Parliament Building
St Stephen’s Basilica

Walks Along the Danube

We visited Budapest in March, so it is safe to say that it was rather cold, windy and occasionally rainy! But that didn’t stop us exploring, and for some reason it was much windier walking along the Danube than anywhere else in Budapest!

The Széchenyi Lánchíd Chain Bridge stretches across the River Danube and connects Buda and Pest, the western and eastern sides of the city of Budapest. It was opened in 1849 and today holds a huge significance to the people of Hungary, where it is viewed as a symbol of economic, social, and cultural advancement.

From social advancement to social shattering, situated further right from the Széchenyi Lánchíd Chain Bridge, on the Pest side of the river is the heartbreaking ‘Shoes on the Danube Bank’ memorial. This memorial, is a tragic and heartbreaking tribute to the thousands of Jews who were murdered by the Arrow Cross (a fascist and anti-semitic organisation who terrorized Jewish people in Budapest) during the Second World War.

Around 20,000 Jews were forced to remove their shoes at gunpoint along the banks of the River Danube and were then mercilessly shot, falling into the freezing cold river and washed away by the icy waters. Shoes, at the time, were a valuable commodity, and so were kept by the Arrow Cross to be sold for money.

The shoes in the memorial demonstrate that no one – regardless of age, sex or occupation – were spared from the terror and murders. The shoes include male boots, female heels and even tiny booties, representing young children who were killed without a second thought.

Széchenyi Chain Bridge viewed from Buda
Széchenyi Chain Bridge viewed from Pest
The Shoes on the Danube Bank Memorial
Széchenyi Chain Bridge

Uphill Hikes to the Citadella and Feeling Historic at the Fisherman’s Bastion

On one of our sunnier days in Budapest, we took a little walk (ahem – mini HIKE) up to the Citadella which looks over the city of Budapest and the River Danube. Apparently travelling from place to place every two weeks doesn’t necessarily improve cardiovascular health because WE WERE SO EXHAUSTED by the time we reached the top!

The Citadella (or citadel) is a fortress built atop Gellért Hill which holds a great significance in Budapest’s military history. It was constructed in 1851 and is 220 metres long, 60 metres wide and 4 metres tall. Alongside the Citadella, is the Liberty Statue, a monument that is a tribute to those who lost their lives for the independence and freedom of Hungary.

The lookout from the Citadella was absolutely stunning. The clouds were clearing, the sun was coming out and the err…pollen was in full force. I had completely forgotten about my hay fever due to it really only being an issue once a year as well as the fact that all the country-changing had me quite distracted! Whilst sitting on the steps of the Citadella, my eyes were streaming uncontrollably and I scared many a Hungarian who jumped out of their skins with my frequent not-so-subtle sneezing!

Views from the top of the Citadella

Following on from Gellért Hill and the Citadella, Ben and I visited the beautifully intricate Fisherman’s Bastion. The Fisherman’s Bastion was initially build to serve as a lookout and as legend goes, the walls of the bastion were defended by fisherman during wars and conflicts.

When approaching the Fisherman’s Bastion, the first thing that catches your eye is the Disney-esque mystical towers. The towers provide the best panoramic views in all of Budapest and you can live out your dreams of becoming a King or Queen whilst gazing out at your kingdom. I truly felt like Rapunzel in my tower!

Rapunzel, rapunzel let down your hair!

Tasty Treats and Relaxing Spa Days

We couldn’t come to Budapest and not learn how to cook traditional Hungarian dishes! We used Airbnb experiences and found a private cooking class in an apartment just outside of the city centre. Dorí, our teacher, taught us how to make authentic goulash, as well as delicious chicken paprikash – a dish I have been wanting to try ever since landing in Budapest.

We also had LOTS of kürtőskalács (chimney cake), an incredible golden cinnamon dough, something Ben and I had tried for the first time in Austria, then we were lucky enough to find again during our following visits to Lille, Athens, and Tirana. Our favourite place to eat kürtőskalács in Budapest would definitely have to be Molnár’s Kürtőskalács, right in the heart of the city, which offers a wide variety of toppings and flavours including vanilla, cinnamon, walnut, almond, chocolate, coconut, cocoa, and even poppy-seed!

Chicken Paprikàs
Kürtőskalács/Chimney Cake from Molnár’s Kürtőskalács

Ben and I were so happy that we were able to visit the Széchenyi thermal baths whilst they were still open to the public. The photos honestly do not do it justice!

Despite the air in general being quite cold, and having to do a dash in my bikini from the warmth of the changing rooms to the heat of the pools, the experience wasn’t marred by it. The cooler air intensified the heat of the baths and the overall experience was incredibly relaxing!

The Széchenyi Bath is one of the biggest natural hot spring spa baths in Europe and is over 100 years old. There are 18 pools in the Széchenyi Bath and it is open 365 days a year, even on national holidays. Aside from the geothermal pools inside and outside, visitors can also use the saunas, gyms as well as get massage treatments and have drinks by the pool.

It is definitely a place we would recommend if you manage a visit to Budapest in the future! You won’t regret it!

There you have it! Our last city before lockdown. We are hoping that it won’t be too long before we can head off to our next continent – ASIA!

Budapest is such a beautiful city and so rich in culture and history. We hope to revisit at some point, but potentially in summer to see the difference in weather and summer attractions!


Places Visited/Mentioned:





Ben and I weren’t able to walk past a single Hungarian restaurant in Budapest that didn’t offer ‘csirke paprikás’ or chicken paprikash, so we thought – right, we HAVE to try it!

What better way is there to try a dish than learning to make it from scratch? Okay, perhaps just sitting back and letting someone else do all the work whilst explaining it to you. But hey – you were the one who clicked on this recipe, so I KNOW you love to cook!

Chicken paprikash: minimal ingredients, MAXIMUM flavour! All you need is cream, chicken, garlic, butter, onions…and of course: PAPRIKA! The noodles that accompany this dish, are technically mini dumplings, so don’t expect the same noodles you get from the local Chinese!

Our Cooking Class Experience

We were able to choose the specific Hungarian dishes we wanted to cook, and as we saw this meal everywhere around Budapest, we wanted to see what all the fuss was about!

Ben and I learned this delicious recipe for chicken paprikash in a private cooking class in the heart of the Budapest suburbs. We had no idea what to expect from this dish as we had never tried it before, but it is safe to say that it exceeded expectations!

A very simple dish to make, it is a meal that can be left to cook and doesn’t need to be watched over constantly. At Dorí’s we began preparing and cooking the chicken paprikash, and then whilst it was cooking, we then began to prepare the ‘noodles’ or dumplings.

We used something called a spaetzle grater, a specific, traditional tool used to create perfect dumplings, however, a regular cheese grater will do just fine. The grater should be held over the pot so when grated, the dumplings fall straight into the water to cook. The dumplings are a delicious accompaniment to the dish and are unlike anything I have tried before!

If there is something the Hungarians like just as much as paprika, its their pickled vegetables! Chicken paprikash with mini dumplings can be served alongside a medley of sliced picked gherkins, pickled cabbage and sliced pickled carrots. The sharp taste of vinegar perfectly cuts through the creamy paprika sauce and is a great addition to the dish!

I hope you love this recipe as much as Ben and I do! For an intro to this main meal, why not try a sized-down version of my traditional Hungarian goulash?

Jó étvágyat!


[cooked-recipe id=”2450″]


How could Ben and I have gone to the beautiful country of Hungary without learning to cook their national dish: goulash!

A staple Hungarian comfort food, goulash or gulyás, is a stew comprising of beef, a variety of vegetables, and LOTS of paprika! It is a dish eaten across central Europe but is predominantly a symbol of Hungary, its culture, and its history.

Goulash originates from Hungarian shepherds in the 9th century where it was actually stored in ‘bags’ made from the stomachs of sheep. Errr…yeah, we were very happy that we weren’t made to eat the goulash from sheeps’ stomachs during our cooking class and for that, we give our sincerest thanks to our teacher!

There are typical ingredients used in a goulash – beef, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes…but substitutions are welcomed including the addition of different vegetables and even mini dumplings! However, one thing must remain constant: THE PAPRIKA!

Our Cooking Class Experience

Ben and I were staying in an apartment in Pest, to the east of the Danube River in close proximity to the Széchenyi thermal baths. Our apartment was quite far away from the cooking class had we decided to walk, so we had to take a taxi to take us further south of the city. It was so lovely to just sit back and take in the sights and sounds of Budapest in a different way than usual, and was a nice little break from walking everywhere!

We used Airbnb Experiences for our cooking class in Budapest and were able to choose what traditional Hungarian recipes we wanted to learn how to cook with our teacher. Dorí warmly welcomed us into her lovely home in the outer suburbs of Budapest and offered us slippers and a shot of Hungarian pálinka before cooking. If that burning shot of fruity spirit didn’t give us the oomph to get cooking I don’t know what would have!

We hope you enjoy this recipe as much as Ben and I did! Let us know of any additions or substitutions you make – but remember to always keep the paprika!

For another world soupy stew, why not try my heartwarming Viennese potato soup?

Jó étvágyat!


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From Athens to Tirana

Unlike the previous cities and countries we have visited, Ben and I had no preconceptions about Tirana or Albania itself. We didn’t know the food we would eat, the language we would (poorly attempt) to speak, the scenery we would see, and didn’t even know about the long intricate history Albania possessed.

We left Athens on the 18th of February and headed to the beautiful city of Tirana, Albania where we swapped sun for…more sun! Our plane landed in the evening so we had TREMENDOUS fun navigating the roads of Tirana to get to our apartment in a city where road rules definitely don’t exist!

Tirana is a city full of renewed energy, colourful buildings, and a strong sense of community. Our apartment was absolutely fantastic and situated in a new-build block alongside the Pazari i Ri, also known as the New Bazaar, which one of the oldest areas of the city and hosts bustling markets, world restaurants, and fresh local groceries.

Stepping into a Communist Past

Now, I mentioned earlier than Ben and I felt completely unprepared for the history of Albania as unlike British, Russian and German history, we didn’t learn about it at school. It was therefore a shocking and not to mention EYEOPENING experience, learning about Albania’s communist past whilst having the privilege to walk the streets where so much anguish and pain took place.

Tirana have done and continue to do their upmost to present forward a city of beautiful colours to both residents and outsiders. Drab, monochrome buildings have been replaced with reds, yellows and pinks in an attempt to mask the dreadful past which occurred not so long ago.

Ben and I didn’t realise that Albania was actually only released from the clutches of its communist rule in 1992. Evidence of the communist era is still evident across the city of Tirana where residents show wariness to tourists and foreigners due to not being used to their beloved city being shut off from the outside world for so long.

One of the main things Ben wanted to do during our two weeks in Tirana was to visit a Bunk’Art museum known as Bunk’Art2. These are a series of museums that teach you about the intricacies of Albanian communist rule, set out in real bunkers dotted across the city. Since 1967, Albania has produced over a whopping 750,000 communist bunkers built under the orders of Enver Hoxha who was Albania’s communist leader from the end of World War Two, up until his death in 1985. These bunkers are spread out across the country and some have since been converted to cafés, residential accommodation, and shelters.

The Bunk’Art2 museum was a step into history Ben and I will never forget. It was equal parts terrifying and informative and is an experience we both would highly recommend if you get the opportunity to visit Tirana.

Snow, Cable Cars and Mountain-Top Mini Golf

From deep down in the bunkers to high up in the mountains, Ben and I truly experienced the highs and lows of Tirana! We were recommended this trip by both our Airbnb host and also through our research into Tirana itself.

Tirana is situated just 25km east of Mount Dajti National Park, an area of beautiful views across the city and the most accessible mountain in all of Albania, where residents of the country visit to devour a spit-roast lamb lunch before popping back on the 15-minute cable car to head back into the city.

On top of Mount Dajti there is a restaurant, visitor centre, horse-riding centre, huge chicken coop, adventure park, and mini-golf course. Yes, they are a mix-match of activities, and no we didn’t try them all. However, we did enjoy a traditional Albanian lunch and round of mini-golf in the snow!

I don’t know why I was shocked to see snow after stepping off the cable car, but I was. It was very warm and sunny in the city, around 20 degrees Celsius, despite it being the middle of February! Once we arrived at the top of the mountain, I actually reached down to feel the snow to make sure it was real! We were definitely not dressed for our surroundings on the mountain, and I had turned up in thin leggings and trainers while families stepped off the cable car decked out in full snow and ski gear.

The top of Mount Dajti offered some stunning sunset views across the country and we managed to spend almost a full day at the top – something we were told was difficult to do due to there not being much up there, so we were surprised!

Ben and I would highly recommend a trip up Mount Dajti – even I thoroughly enjoyed it, despite the 15-minute cable car ride up and ride down where I thought I would die MANY TIMES! Whether you are afraid of floating boxes in the sky or not, Mount Dajti should be a staple on everyone’s Tirana travel list!

So that is a wrap on Tirana…for now! We will definitely be revisiting Albania at some point in the future as there are still so many stunning places the country has to offer!

Next stop is beautiful Budapest! I have wanted to visit Hungary FOREVER, and was so grateful that we were able to fit it in before news of the world got worse!

Ben and I hope you are all keeping safe and well!

Love and light.


Places Visited/Mentioned:

Looking for more travel inspiration? Why not check out my travel diary on Florence, Italy?



The 10 Best Stress-Relieving Podcasts to Help Ease Anxiety

We all need to take a well-needed break from time to time, and what better way is there to take your mind off of crippling anxiety, than listening to some stress-relieving podcasts? In the ever-growing world of podcasts, you will always find something with just the right aspects of hilariousness, calming, purpose-finding or knowledge seeking to help you push through difficult times. 

Now I’m not going to beat around the bush, the world can be quite a scary place: terrifying news hits us from all speaker sources to the point where you can’t go five minutes without hearing a lovely punch of doom and gloom. 

Trust me – I had to flip through MULTIPLE radio stations whilst baking to find something uplifting! 

Most people sluggishly relax in front of the television, which I do admit is a pretty good way to unwind. However, what happens when you need to actually get stuff done, run errands or work on your feet? 

THAT is where these stress-relieving podcasts come in! Listen to them on your feet, in the car or whilst you are flouncing around in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. 

So without further ado, I present to you my 10 best stress-relieving podcasts to help you get through the difficult and disheartening moments of daily life. 

I promise you, all is not lost 🙂

1 | My Favourite Murder Podcast

Stress-relieving podcasts - my favourite murder

We are kicking off this list of stress-relieving podcasts with My Favourite murder: something which sounds like it should be stressful, but is a lot more lighthearted than it sounds!

My Favourite Murder is a true-crime comedy podcast hosted by the wonderfully hilarious Karen Kilgraff and Georgia Hardstark. They delve deep into the world of past crimes and couple their knowledge with lighthearted comedy and personal anecdotes. They intersperse their main episodes with smaller-length ‘minisodes’ which focus on letters sent in by fans who detail their own connections to true crime and general strange goings-on in their hometowns. 

This fantastic podcast is a MUST for any true crime fan, so take a listen to discover why it is a Top 10 regular on the iTunes comedy podcast chart!

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on the My Favourite Murder podcast!

2 | The Myths and Legends Podcast

stress-relieving podcasts - myths and legends

Myths and Legends is a podcast about…myths and legends! 

The show is hosted by Jason Weiser who recounts tales of heroes, monsters, fairy tales, mythology and folklore in his oh SO charming voice! He narrates the tales we thought we knew, the stories we believed were true, but presents the surprising origins and in some cases, their very strange but very true history!

If you want to know the real story behind Sleeping Beauty, Hercules, Thor and so much more, then it is definitely worth a listen!

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on The Myths and Legends podcast!

3 | Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations

Stress-relieving podcasts - super soul

A podcast to awaken, connect and delve deep into the world around us, Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations present intimate interviews with best-selling authors, spiritual leaders and wellness experts. 

Oprah personally selects each guest and presents an engaging podcast to help guide us through life and address some of life’s big questions. 

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations podcast!

4 | The BBC Earth Podcast

stress-relieving podcasts - bbc earth

The BBC Earth podcast is a true journey around the world through sound. The show blends a medley of nature, science and anecdotal experiences with earth-stretching soundscapes and ecological insight into the world around us. 

The podcast includes personal stories from a wide range of people including the BBC’s crews as they make impactful nature documentaries. 

Planet Earth in audio form, the podcast will transport you to the Sahara desert, the icy plains of Antarctica and the lush humid jungles of Asia. 

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on the BBC Earth podcast!

5 | Under the Skin with Russell Brand

Russell Brand’s ‘Under the Skin’ unearths the gems beneath the surface of those we admire, the histories we are told and the ideas and theories which define our socio-economical society. 

Guests on his podcast include visits from the world of top-class academia, world culture and immersive arts to help us deconstruct our current lives and truly examine what it means to be human. 

The podcast is both hilarious and insightful, and a must-listen for whenever you are pondering over the meaning of life.

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on the Under The Skin with Russell Brand Podcast!

6 | World Nomads Travel Podcast

Explore the world without ever leaving the comfort of your own home! 

You know I am a HUGE traveller and this podcast is definitely a personal favourite! If I ever feel anxious before a big trip, I take some time to listen to WHY travel is one of the most amazing things we can experience. 

The World Nomads podcast is one of the best stress-relieving podcasts as it takes you into a whole other world. Perhaps a trip to Ethiopia, a wander through China or a dive into the history of Poland is the best thing to give you a holiday from the voices in your head. 

Episodes offer an insight into other countries, tips and anecdotes from travellers and geographical facts from experts.

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on the World Nomads Travel Podcast!

7 | Fearne Cotton’s Happy Place

The Happy Place podcast with Fearne Cotton is an extension of her top 10 best-selling book ‘Happy’ and focuses on personal experiences, talks with inspiring individuals and sharing advice from knowledgeable wellness experts.

The Happy Place podcast will help you push through the bad days and emerge with joy and appreciation for the beautiful lives we all live. 

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on the Happy Place podcast!

8 | How Do You Cope with Elis and John

How Do You Cope is a fantastic stress-relieving podcasts which includes tips and advice from a wide variety of guests on how they cope with their own challenges and hurdles. 

If you feel alone or out-of-touch with those around you, take a listen and know that you aren’t alone. No matter how successful, how famous or how rich, people experience both the same and different challenges. There is always something that can be learned from the experiences of others!

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on the How Do You Cope podcast!

9 | Off Menu Lockdown Livestream

stress-relieving podcasts - off menu

The award-winning Off Menu podcast has phenomenal comedians Ed Gamble and James Acaster invite special guests and celebrities to their magical restaurant where they choose their favourite starter, main course, side dish, dessert and drink . 

A hilarious and chilled out podcast, Off Menu has won a variety of awards and is definitely worth a listen!

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on the Off Menu podcast!

10 | The Highest Self Podcast with Sahara Rose

stress-relieving podcasts - the highest self

We end this list with one of my personal favourites and a podcast I turned to during a difficult time in my life. The Highest Self podcast with Sahara Rose is the most beautiful and uplifting series which give you intense insight into both yourself and the world around you. 

The podcast is just perfect for those with an interest in Buddhism, Ayurveda, holistic therapies and general wellbeing. It is spiritual friend which connects you to your inner self, helps you find purpose and live in your Dharma. 

If you are searching for meaning, feel lost in your identity or unsure of the future, sit back, listen and discover your highest self. 

Have a listen to one of the most recent episodes of the podcast below!

Click here for more information on the Highest Self podcast!

Do you have any podcasts you would recommend to help others through difficult times? Let me know in the comments!

For a quick, easy and delicious comfort food to bake whilst listening to these amazing podcasts, why not have a look at my Portuguese pastel de natas?


In the Air Again

After a truly memorable two weeks in Florence, Ben and I packed up for another time and headed further south to the beautiful city of Athens, Greece.

Athens was always a city at the top of my “have to visit” list – the immense history of the city itself was enough for me! I didn’t expect to fall in love with the scenery and gorgeous people as much as I did! I went in with no preconceptions at all over what to expect, because I really had no idea. I have visited Greece before, but only islands and Athens was already so different from that in many ways.

We stayed in a beautiful homey apartment near the up-and-coming Koukaki neighbourhood – an area with an abundance of cosy restaurants and quaint cobbled streets decorated with aromatic orange trees. The Koukaki neighbourhood is just south of the Acropolis hill and only a 15-minute walk to the Acropolis itself and a 20-25 minute walk to the main city centre further north of the Acropolis.

To get to the Acropolis, we walked through a valley with an abundance of olive trees, below Philopappos Hill (Hill of the Muses) and it gave us the most beautiful views and sunsets!

Our Athens Bucket List Experience: Visiting The Acropolis

One of the main things Ben and I wanted to see when we were in Athens was to visit the stunning historic Acropolis which towers over the city of Athens. One of mine and Ben’s favourite topics to learn about is mythology and mythological history and Athens had LOTS of this!

We walked to the Acropolis Hill in the early morning of our first Saturday and it was already so busy! We first visited the phenomenal Odeon of Herodes Atticus, a Roman stone theatre that dates all the way back to 161 AD! It was primarily used as a music concert venue and had a capacity of 5,000 people. It was sadly destroyed in 267 AD but was restored in the 1950’s using Pentelic marble, and is now the main venue for the Athens Festival which features many national and international performances and runs yearly from May to October.

The Odeon of Herodes Atticus
The Odeon of Herodes Atticus
The Odeon of Herodes Atticus

After spending some time wandering around the odeon, Ben and I made our way further up to the very top of the Acropolis where we were encompassed by centuries of Greek history. It was a feeling I cannot describe fully…I was in complete awe.

We entered the main Acropolis through the Propylaea, a monumental gateway that dates back to 437 BC. Past the Propylaea, we entered the centre of the Acropolis with stunning views over the city of Athens. Featured at the top of the Acropolis Hill were the Erechtheion, an ancient Greek temple dedicated to Athena and Poseidon which dates back to 421 BC in addition to the temple of Athena Nike which dates back to 420 BC and was where citizens worshipped the goddess Athena in hopes of winning the Peloponnesian War against the Spartans.

The Propylaea
The Propylaea
The Propylaea
The Erechtheion
The Erechtheion
The Temple of Athena Nike

One of the main parts of the Acropolis that Ben and I were dying to see was the Parthenon. Similarly to the other sites on the Acropolis, the Parthenon is a former temple to the goddess Athena and dates back to 447 BC. Construction of the temple began during the peak of Athenian power and is regarded as the most important surviving building of Ancient Greece and is seen as an enduring symbol of Athenian democracy, Western civilisation and Ancient Greece itself.

Similar to the other temple of the Acropolis, the Parthenon was viewed as a celebration of victory over the Persian invaders and are thankful gifts to the Gods for providing them with the strength to conquer and win over opponents.

The Parthenon
The Parthenon

Our Athenian Food Discoveries

It is true to suggest that many tourists visiting the city of Athens come to see the incredible archaeology, ancient architecture and historical artifacts. Though they are phenomenal, they aren’t the only aspects of Athens that are drenched in history!

Walking down from the Acropolis, you enter winding streets on an almost vertical tilt. You pass brightly coloured houses and breathe in the succulent aromas of Mediterranean cuisine. Ben and I stopped many times to take in the delicious food and gorgeous surroundings. We tried souvlaki, gyros, Greek meatballs, tzatziki and lots of different cheeses! We were often accompanied by a variety of feline friends who wrapped themselves around our ankles as we sat outside, our tables drinking in the sunshine.

We also jumped at the chance to try kourou pies from an Athenian bakery just off of the main shopping square, called Ariston Bakery. Kourou pies are shortcrust pastry pies often shaped in a semi-circle which is then stuffed with salty feta cheese! It was so delicious that we had to try to make it ourselves…more on that later! Despite me loving the feta cheese (the more the better!), Ben isn’t too keen on cheese that isn’t melted, so he went for a sausage pie and after having a bite, I can confidently say that it was also super delicious!

Our Greek platter for two
Chicken souvlaki
Our Greek feast!
Ariston kourou pies
My delicious kourou pie from Ariston

City Street Wanderings

Athens is the perfect city for afternoon strolls and romantic evening walks. The bustling markets selling traditional Greek jewellery with blue opal (their national stone), colourful patterned rugs and crisp white Greek tunics. It’s difficult to not get immersed in the culture, and let’s be honest – why would you not want to?

If the city streets become overwhelming you can step further out to the quieter edges of Athens, where you will find more greenery, olive trees and the beautiful nature of Greece. Ben and I firmly decided that Athens is definitely a city we would want to revisit – we didn’t manage to visit every single one of the monuments (there are so many!) and we would love more opportunities to wander through the Athenian market streets.

Our Athenian Cooking Class with CookinAthens

Following our current tradition of taking part in a cooking class in each country we visit, Ben and I took part in a fantastic private cooking class in the historic centre of Athens. We don’t often have the opportunity to eat a lot of Mediterranean food, as it is quite few and far between where we live back home – pizza or Chinese food is usually our go-to! Therefore, it was amazing to be in a country where we could eat delicious Greek food all day, EVERY DAY if we wanted!

Some of our favourite meals in Athens were the delicious courses we cooked with Marilena in our Airbnb cooking experience, CookinAthens! Marilena made us feel completely at home in her huge kitchen, which had stunning views of the Acropolis, all lit up and glowing in the evening darkness. We made Greek salad, fresh tzatziki, pastitsio (Greek lasagna), revani cake and last but CERTAINLY not least – kourou pies!

It was such a great and DELICIOUS experience – we would highly recommend Marilena’s class whenever you visit Athens and we have included the links to the experience as well as the recipes learned down below!

Greek salad
Pastitsio (Greek lasagna)
Kourou pies
Revani cake

Ben and I had a truly unforgettable experience in beautiful Athens and we can’t wait to return and experience even more of what the historic city has to offer!

Next, we head to gorgeous Albania, a city steeped in political history, and we are looking forward to visiting somewhere unlike anywhere we have been before!


Places Visited/Mentioned:





Okay, so the title of this post kind of gives it away, and for many of our family and friends, it isn’t a secret anymore! However, not many people know our story or how we got to where we are now.

I am so thankful for Ben, our journey and our courage as a couple to push through years of ups and downs to finally be able to reach a place where we are the happiest we have ever been.

T-Minus Ten Years Before the Proposal

Ben and I have been together nine years this year and we met when we were seated next to each other in GCSE chemistry class (where we ended up having *ahem* – chemistry!)

I’ve got to admit. I wasn’t thrilled to begin with, and I’m sure he wasn’t either. We barely spoke for the first few months, only exchanging sentences such as “can you please pass the pencil sharpener?” and “can you move up a bit, I’m at the edge of my side of the desk”!

After many months of sitting next to each other in every chemistry lesson, our brief sentences slowly turned to conversation (when we weren’t learning about ions, atoms, and molecules of course) and we began to build a friendship. I started to consider him one of my best friends and I knew I could confide in him about anything. This 15-year-old teen who I hadn’t met before our GCSE year, became one of my closest confidants, and finally a year after meeting, we officially became “boyfriend and girlfriend”.

Our romance from teens to adults wasn’t smooth, and there were many bumps along the road, including difficulties battling my mental health, being separated at university, and being separated even further when I left to go traveling solo – an experience that allowed me to emotionally grow and change in more ways than I could have possibly anticipated.

T-Minus Six Months Before the Proposal

After years of only seeing each other on a Wednesday evening and at the weekends, Ben and I started to think about our future. Even though looking for a place to call our own was ideal, we wanted to do something different. Since returning from my three-month solo travel stint, I had been itching to leave again and we were excited to see what else our beautiful world had to offer.

So, eight years after we got together as out-of-control teenagers, we set off for a different out-of-control adventure around the world, filled with unexpected twists, turns, and memories that would last a lifetime.

We grew in ourselves, we developed in our jobs working from different cities around the world and became godparents in New York City to the littlest love of our lives the most beautiful girl in the whole world!

Now, I’m not going to lie and say that I was completely surprised when Ben proposed…I kind of had an inkling that something could happen in the “not-so-distant-future”. I mean, when you have been together for nearly a decade and you’re in your mid-twenties, you gain an intuitive third eye, where anything could be a clue!

Turns out, Ben was originally planning to propose to me before Christmas as the whole Christmas period in general is my absolute FAVOURITE time of the year. He was actually initially planning to propose to me when we did our little trip to Lille, France just before Christmas. However, as he was designing the ring himself, it hadn’t arrived in time and so he had to quickly change his plans for another time and date!

T-Minus One Week Before the Proposal

After Christmas, our first stop on our continuing trip around Europe was beautiful Florence, Italy – one of my favourite cities in the world. We stayed in a gorgeous, historic apartment just next to the Ponte Vecchio bridge and River Arno.

We had the loveliest time exploring the city, cooking delicious ravioli and tagliatelle and just generally appreciating each other and our time together in one of the most romantic places in the world.

T-Minus One Hour Before the Proposal: the 2nd of February 2020

So the actual day of the proposal, I had wanted to see Michelangelo’s “David” and Ben wanted to take me to a beautiful town just outside of Florence, nestled in the Tuscan countryside called Fiesole. We queued up around the block of the Galleria dell’Accademia in the morning and I managed to gaze up at the sculpture of artistic perfection by my favourite artist. I was even shaking and I could count the number of photos I took and minutes I spent just being in awe of such a masterpiece!

Following our visit to the gallery, we took the bus from the centre of Florence which took us slightly further north, through the beautiful Tuscan hills until we reached the quaint market town of Fiesole. We were surrounded by old sunflower yellow buildings and sweet little cafes and began to walk through the winding streets up to a lookout point on top of Mount Ceceri, where Leonardo da Vinci first flew is flying machine, a place that Ben was VERY interested in visiting!

After a fair walk up steep hills on the uneven ground, we reached a small lookout point with stunning views of Florence below. We took some photos with our camera on our tripod and then Ben went to “turn it off” but instead switched it to video mode and managed to record the whole thing on video – something we will cherish forever.

Those who know Ben personally, know that he is a huge romantic, and although he said such beautiful things to me before getting down on one knee, I have to be honest – I didn’t hear much of it because my head was completely spinning. It had suddenly hit me that after ten years, my best friend was about to become my fiancé. Ben slowly took the ring out and got down on one knee and asked “can I keep you?”, a line from one of my favourite films, Casper.

Obviously I said “yes” of course – despite not actually being asked “oh sorry – will you marry me?!” until Ben suddenly remembered how to ask officially! I didn’t even see the ring until after I said yes and gave him a big cuddle, but it was so beautiful, and it meant so much to me that he took the time to design it himself. It was a grey salt and pepper diamond with tiny diamonds underneath and it’s gorgeous.

The whole proposal was so unbelievably perfect and I feel so so thankful to be marrying my best friend.

Later that Day…

Ben had surprised me with a beautiful hotel stay in Florence for two nights in a stunning five-star hotel overlooking the Michelangelo Plaza. The hotel was called Villa la Vedetta and everything about it was perfect!

We arrived at the hotel and got settled in before heading out for a celebratory proposal dinner at Trattoria Marione with champagne, Florentine Steak, all the accompaniments we could manage – so many that they could barely all fit on the table!

The food was SO DELICIOUS and It is DEFINITELY one of our favourite meals to date!

Here’s to the Future!

What can I say? I am still so overwhelmed with how lucky I feel to have someone like Ben in my life. After ten years of friendship and nearly nine years of dating, here we are – planning our wedding for 2022!

He is everything I could ever need, want or ask for and I can’t wait to see what our future has in store – hopefully lots of dogs, cats…perhaps a bubba or two! But definitely lots and lots of traveling and seeing the world together!

Here’s to the future, to pushing through adversity and to finding the love of your life.